I got a book from the library I’ve just begun to read: “The $64 Tomato” by William Alexander. Just the premise of the book sounds funny! After all that this guy went through to plant his garden, he estimates that each tomato he brings in cost him $64. I fear that will be the cost of ours this year!
Celery & Leeks
One of the books I’ve been reading suggested planting celery & leeks in a row together, alternating every other one, in a trench to be filled in as they grow, to blanch the bottoms. I planted them this way, along the front side of one of the tomato rows–both grow well with tomatoes. I hope they like their new home!
Tommy the toad has brought a new friend to the garden, who is a little smaller. They both seem to like the pea bed–that’s the only place I’ve seen them. It’s funny how they keep coming back. I guess they are not a problem, but I don’t want them disturbing pea seeds that haven’t yet emerged.
Everything is looking good, and we keep admiring our hard work. We just need to finish Tier 3, the other half of the tomato bed, then a spot for watermelons down near the strawberries. After that we’ll do the corn patch on the other side of the yard, and we’re done with planting.
We still have a lot of the topsoil we purchased. I suppose we’ll use it to amend the unused areas that we will begin to prepare for next year’s rotation. I suppose this worked out well (only using about half the yard), so we can rotate our crops better. We’ll have to come up with a whole new plan next year! I’m bummed that this topsoil came with weed seeds in it. They are growing all over the place, even after our careful planning to keep them out by using cardboard underneath each bed. Grrr. I knew I would have to do some weeding, but didn’t expect so much.
Strawberries & Peppers
This morning Tim took some time off work to get out in the yard, and got the beds done for the strawberries. I got them planted in the afternoon, all in nice little mounds, one for each plant. I bought roots, two varieties. There’s about 40 plants. I don’t expect strawberries this year, and some resources suggest picking off any buds I see before they turn to fruit, to allow the plants to get established the first year. (Others say it’s not a problem to get some fruit the first year.) I guess I’ll do some of each, and take notes! Let’s see…”Plant A: I picked off the flowers in 2009 and got better yield in 2010; Plant B: I got 4 strawberries in 2009 and fewer than Plant A in 2010.” Is that how it will go?
Planting Tomatoes and More
Yahoo…we finally got the tomatoes planted. It’s exciting to see everything coming together. Tim got out early to construct the trellis for the tall indeterminite plants (Brandywine and Sugar Sweetie), and we got those all planted (18 of them) in the back row of Tier 3. Then we put in stakes for the determinites (so far just the Romas) and got those planted. I also have some of the Ace variety started, but they’re only about 2″ tall, and I’m not sure about taking them outside just yet. I’ll wait a couple of weeks, and they should provide a later harvest. I also planted 4 of the romas down by the asparagas, just because they’re supposed to grow well together. That took all morning–Tim started around 6 am, and I got out there around 7.
Cats in the Garden
We’ve been letting the cats out lately during the day, especially when we are working outside. They like coming outside, and Bayou is getting more and more brave, exploring new territory. She likes to visit me while I’m working in the garden and meows a lot as she walks. We’ve been calling her the “stealth cat” because she is NOT, as she runs along so loudly and meows so much. She’s even been seen in the barn a couple of times–perhaps she smells the bunny that seems to be living in there.
Big Day!
Officially, the last average frost date is something like May 10th, but apparently many people around here consider it to be more like the 15th. At any rate, we’ve been plodding along doing what we can between bad weather days earlier in the month, and getting all the supplies we need. We’ve been planning on planting the tomatoes today, Tier 3, and as many other things as possible.
Broccoli, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach & More
Today we got most of Tier Four started and planted. There’s still a section unfinished, but that will come later. In part of it I was able to plant my lettuce, spinach, endive and some seeds for more of the same. In the other section there is the broccoli, kale, onions, and radish & carrot seeds. I will also get some seeds for brussels sprouts for that area. I may have started too many broccoli and kale all at once, as there isn’t much room for more later on, but the little plants are doing well and are very cute. I’m glad to get them into the ground.
Temporary “Greenhouse”
We’ve been taking some of the plants outside daily to “harden” them before putting them in the garden, but it is often VERY windy and they’ve been blown over and damaged in the wind. Also, some nights are borderline warm enough for the tomatoes.
Asparagas and Cats
Yesterday we finished preparing the asparagas bed, and got the crowns planted. I also put out the parsley that’s been growing indoors, and just a few of the calendula. It’s nice to see a little bit of green out there!
Tim has been working on the steps that will descend alongside our tiers, from the upper level to the lower. It’s a tricky job, with different drops between levels and weird angles, but he’s getting it done. After at least the landings are completed, we’ll work to prepare Tier #4 to plant things like lettuce, endive, spinach, broccoli, kale, some herbs & beneficial flowers. It’s the largest tier section.
We’ve thought about getting a kitten, to keep the mice & rabbits out of the garden, but I’m having second thoughts. It seems silly to get another cat, just because I don’t want to risk losing Cubby or Bayou to a coyote. Perhaps I should just realize a cat is a cat…just an animal…and I know Bayou would love to chase mice. Maybe I’ll just start letting them go outside, at least during the day. I can bring them in at night. However, I’m also thinking that most mouse activity is a night, so letting them out during the day and in at night will be of little help. Yesterday we opened the door and let them out while we were in the yard. Cubby sniffed around and ate grass. Bayou kept going in and out, taking a few steps further each time. We’ll see how it goes, one step at a time.
Peas, Please!
Our first seeds have been sown outdoors! Today we finally got Tier #1 ready to plant and put in some of the pea seeds, along with a few rutabegas. According to my research, they grow well together. In a couple of weeks I will add cucmbers to this section. I started some snow peas and sugar snap peas. They’ll grow up the terrace, and we will put vertical wires from the fencing to the top for them to hang onto.
I also made some more 2″ soil blocks and started more seeds in the house. After reading that a few things like corn can be successfully planted in blocks, I’m trying a few of those, then will start others outside for comparison purposes. I tried multi-planting them, two in some blocks, four in others, to see how they do. This is really an experimental year, so it will be interesting to see what works best, then I can follow through with the best methods next year. I also started a few things that I need a little of at a time, like lettuce and spinach, to continue my succession plantings.
I’m really having trouble with Blogger, spacing these photos and text. It works better using Google Chrome over Firefox, but even Chrome is presenting problems–you’d think at least Google would get their own two products working together! (Vent)