

My new website, High Country Living.net is now live! There is still a lot to add to it, but I wanted to get it out there.

High Country Living will focus on high-altitude gardening, raising ducks and recipes adjusted for high altitude. It will primarily be instructional, rather than blog-ish, but will also contain a blog featuring what’s new at the ranch.

If you’re looking for information about living at high elevation, particularly in a rural area like ours, glean whatever you can from our experiences.




We’ve begun planning for our new garden! Tim and I have been reading up on high-elevation gardening, to be aware of where to put the garden, how to lay it out, and what to be prepared for. We want to have a pretty good idea of the big picture soon, as I want to plant what I can before winter sets in, namely onions, garlic and asparagus.

Our first thought was to put the garden on the south side of the house in full sun. That’s what all the books & websites will tell you, right? So, this is where it WAS going to be, beds terraced down on the left side, as well as some in front.

As you can see, plenty of sun on the south side of this house!

However, after observing what the summer conditions have been like the past two summers, and reading of some of the challenges faced by other Colorado Rocky Mountain gardeners, we have decided to place the garden to the east of the house, with some trees around to provide afternoon shade. The sun is so intense here that things will bake in the sun if allowed full exposure. Also, when the winds pick up it dries out the soil quickly, so at the east it will be a bit protected from the brunt of the wind.

Here’s where the garden will go. These photos were taken this afternoon, so there won’t be as much shade in the summer as there is now, when the sun is higher in the sky. The garden will get full morning sun and filtered light in the late afternoon.

This photo looks to the East.


This looks to the West.

This garden won’t be nearly as large as the Wellington garden, but it will be ample, less than half the size. We’ll grow a lot of cool season vegetables, and as many short-season varieties as we feel we can, including some tomatoes. We’ll have to be especially careful to cover the tomatoes nightly, as they’ll need all the warmth they can get. We will be making hoop covers to guard against frost as well as shade/hail covers to guard against the intense sun and occasional hail. Of course, we will have a 7-8 foot fence surrounding the entire garden, lest the deer get into an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I’ve been gathering weather statistics from our weather station the past two summers.
The lowest “low” in July-August was 34 F.
The highest “low” was 51 F.
The lowest “high” was 52 F.
The highest “high” was 92 F.
The average temperature for the summer months has been around 59-64. So, as you can see, many of the plants will require frequent covering!

It’s fun to get into gardening mode again. We have lots of designing and planning to do, and the work will be rewarding.


As January rolls on and we’ve been receiving seed catalogs and emails from favorite seed companies, I’m itchin’ to start a garden here at our new location near Guffey, CO. Our house is well along the way, and we hope to be able to move in by the end of February.Ā However, the house won’t really be “done”. There will be continuing work to complete the interior, even after we’ve moved in. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do much of a garden this year, and am not yet looking at the catalogs.

I do hope to begin with a few things just to get started, such as a salad garden, and hopefully I’ll be able to get in some perennials, such as asparagus and berries, so they can get a start. It will be fun to determine where to put things and gradually get them going! We do plan on putting up a greenhouse, perhaps in time for fall 2016.

I’ve begun thinking and researching high-elevation gardening, including designing a garden to keep the deer, rabbits and ground squirrels out. There will be much more on that in the years to come.


I’ve been getting catalogs and emails from several of the seed companies I’ve ordered from in the past, and it’s sure tempting to take a look! Normally this time of year I’d be spending hours planning my garden and deciding which seed varieties I’d like to try. Not this year!Ā 

Even Ā before we decided to buy our new property we had decided to take a break from gardening in 2015, our seventh year of gardening. It seemed an appropriate time for both ourselves and our soil to rest and replenish. As it has turned out, yes, the soil is resting, we are resting from gardening projects, but not exactly resting! We are now busy planning for our new home and our move to Guffey this spring.

Today we are at the property, staying in our new (temporary) future home, the RV. Tim’s project for the weekend is to put skirting around the bottom to protect it from freezing. It’s nice to be here, and we sure look forward to being here permanently!


I have noticed over the years (this was our 5th year of gardening!) that my attitude about the garden is more relaxed. Ā If something doesn’t make it, I’m a bit sad, but shrug my shoulders and think, “Oh, well…”. Ā  Tim and I have an acronym we say, OWIIWII. Ā We pronounce it, Oh-wee-wee. Ā It stands for, “Oh Well, It Is What It Is.” Ā Some years are better than others, some vegetables do better than others in different years. Ā 

There’s more of a letting go on my part, more peace about what grows and what doesn’t. Ā There is more trust in God, that I will have what I need, and if I don’t have it I must not need it. Ā We just take what we get and appreciate what we have. Learning this in the garden transfers to the bigger issues in life as well. Ā 

It certainly is amazing to watch things grow from such small seeds. Ā I keep thinking about the parables of Jesus, when he talked about seeds, soil and gardens. Ā Here’s one:

“He told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.'” Ā (Mat 13:31-32)

It is so amazing to see these little, tiny seeds and watch them sprout and grow into such huge plants that make more seeds, which make more plants….. Ā It is like God’s Kingdom. Ā He does the planting and watering in it, and as we cooperate with Him (obey Him), the Kingdom grows and grows as He desires. Ā There is peace in knowing that He really is the “vinedresser” with all His wisdom, carefully tending and watching everything work together for His purpose. Ā He cares about us and His world much more than we do. Ā We continually look forward to see what all He does with His Kingdom all around us.

If you’re interested in more of our thoughts about His Kingdom, please go to our website,Ā Listen To Him.

Thar’s Voles in my Peppers!

See the trench going under the plant!
I’ve been noticing underground trenches in my pepper bed, starting at one end and on through to the other end.  The holes are about 1 1/2-2″ in diameter, and go under the pepper plants, up again, down and up to the end of the row.  First off I discovered that 6 or so peppers on my only paprika plant had completely disappeared.  Then I found holes and chew marks on some of the anaheims.  Each day I inspected, I’d kick the soil back into the holes.  I’m amazed that the pepper plants are still living, with the holes going right through their roots.
I began researching on the web to determine what kind of critter might be burrowing like this and eating chile peppers.  All I could find was that I should use chile pepper spray to repel them.  Ha!  These guys seem to LIKE the chiles and at first were leaving the sweet peppers alone.  I said, “at first”.  Now, I find chew marks, holes, and half-eaten sweet peppers almost daily.  They really seem to like the peppers, but so do I!  That’s enough.
Yesterday I went out and bought some snappy-type mouse traps and placed them near some of the entrances/exit holes.  Before I ever left the area, in maybe 3 minutes, I’d already caught a vole.  Mystery solved–it IS voles.  Overnight I expected I might catch more, but although a couple of the traps had been snapped, no more catches.  I also bought some castor oil, which is supposed to repel them, so I’ll give that a try, too.  Perhaps I can keep them out of the peppers, but hopefully by just “repelling” them from the peppers, I won’t be sending them off to the tomatoes nearby.
I took a pic of the dead vole in the snap trap, but I’ll spare you.  There’s a nice picture of a cute, fuzzy vole and more information HERE.

Remembering the 2013 Garden

Obviously I have not taken the time to write about the 2013 garden.  Because a few people do read this blog (thank you), I will put in some updates in case they are helpful to anyone.  We learn new things each year as we try various new methods and experience new weather conditions.  Overall, the garden did pretty well, with a few setbacks I will explain in individual posts.  Please see the posts:Garden ReflectionsDeep Mulching, Squash, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Ducks and Cottonwood, Juglone and Tomatoes.  And stay tuned…in the near future I may add some more recipe creations.

December 10, 2013

To start off, this is the garden today.  The past week has not reached over 15F or so until this morning. Now it is a whopping 42 degrees outside.  A few days ago it was -18 in the morning.  This is the coldest I have ever experienced since coming to Colorado in 2008.

Our unheated GREENHOUSE may have suffered from this cold spell, and reached as low as 20F a few of these nights.  The largest lettuces and kale don’t look so good, but hopefully the younger ones haven’t died and will come back and grow nicely.  I have been covering the bins inside the greenhouse with frostcloth overnight, which I think helped, but there’s only so much you can do!  I don’t think this will prevent me from following the same plan in the future.  We just do what we can, and if the weather causes a problem, we’ll live with what we get.

(The old-fashioned way!)

The WEATHER during the growing season was, I think, a bit cooler than usual in June-July, then pretty hot in August and September.  We had our last snow on May 1 (8″), which kept me from planting my early things a bit, but since I hadn’t planned on planting things until later in May, that didn’t cause too much of a problem.  (Our “last frost date” is around May 15, but I’ve begun holding off until after that for many vegetables.)  We had lots more rain than normal throughout the summer, concluding with over 12″ of rain here in September, which was mild, compared to many local areas which suffered from extensive flooding.  Our hearts go out to those who lost homes, crops and livestock.

I like to keep notes on everything I do and record what happens, and this year I found Microsoft ONE NOTE to be very helpful.  In it, I was able to keep easily accessible sections and pages for each plant group, the ducks, the weather, soil amendments, pest control, etc. I also am still using the garden planner at GrowVeg.com to plan my garden spaces.  I find it a handy and fun tool.  In case you missed my March post, the plan for the 2013 Main Garden is HERE, and the 2013 Corn Patch is HERE.

I’ve been getting most of my seeds from Botanical Interests and High Mowing Seeds, Peaceful Valley/Grow Organic, and a few from Sand Hill Preservation.  Although I would like to support the small business, Sand Hill, I must be honest that I probably won’t be ordering from them again.  It’s been fun to try many of their unique heirloom varieties, but the seed germination rates from these just aren’t as good as I get from other seed companies.  I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to get their seeds to grow.  Next year I plan to check out Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds for more of the unusual varieties I’d like to try.


This year I tried several varieties or plants I haven’t grown before: squash, beans, eggplant (won’t do again), fava beans (will do again), a couple of new tomatoes.  My biggest headache was the sowbugs!  Most of my squash died.  Many of my beans didn’t make it.  I had very few strawberries and not as many raspberries & blackberries–we may not have pruned them correctly.  We did get our first harvest of delicious grapes–some green seedless and some red seedless.  After recovering from some damage, hopefully next year our purple grapes will produce.  Our corn was very good this year–I returned to planting some of the organic sweet hybrid varieties (Sugarbaby, Brocade, Sugar Pearl), rather than the heirlooms I did last year, which were ok, but not as sweet and crisp as the hybrids.  

The biggest new thing we did was the deep mulching with wood chips, which is detailed in a separate post.  This was overall a positive change.


It’s time to begin!  I’m receiving catalogs and emails from some of my favorite seed companies offering sale prices and free shipping if I order early, so it’s time to start planning.  

One big change is that I plan to put all my tomato plants out in our NW area previously used as the 3-Sisters Corn Patch.  I’m running out of rotation beds in the main garden area for tomatoes, peppers & potatoes, so I’ll try the tomatoes in a whole new area, and put the corn in the main garden.

We will continue deep mulching, combining manure & compost with the wood chips and watering less frequently.

Deep Mulching 2013

After viewing the Back To Eden film, we decided to use this approach on all our garden beds.  We’ve found a few places to attain free wood mulch, and covered all of our beds with 3-4 inches of wood mulch.  Our results were both good, bad and indifferent, as follows, and I will outline some of my questions/answers and my plan for 2014.

We watered much less.  Most areas were watered about once a week.  We watered each area for about 8 hours with an oscillating type overhead sprinkler.  (In previous years we used soaker hoses on timers, and watered every 2-3 days.  We found this effective, but after many repairs to broken/split soaker hoses and a lot of work setting up the systems, we thought we’d try something different.)  This new system seemed to work quite well.  I frequently checked the soil under the mulch, and it stayed quite moist.

Fewer weeds in the beds.  Yahoo!  We still had a lot of the bindweed coming up through the mulch, but that was about it, and they were quite easy to pull.  I don’t think there’s any way to get rid of that stuff.

It looked nice.  Ok, aesthetics are a nice touch.

And boy was this a headache.  We had millions of SOWBUGS or PILLBUGS, ROLY-POLYS or whatever.  The wood mulch atop the soil made a perfect environment for them to eat and reproduce.  In the past, my research had indicated that sowbugs are not generally a problem to the vegetable garden, because they eat decayed matter, NOT the plants themselves.  However, with a sowbug explosion, such as what I experienced, there can be too many sowbugs for the food available, and they will eat seedlings, particularly beans.  It is possible that the addition of a large amount of un-decomposed wood mulch created a great habitat for the sowbugs to reproduce, but because the mulch was fresh, it wasn’t good food for them.  They can only digest decayed matter or young, small seedlings, so that’s what they ate.  That’s my theory.

I lost many of my beans and peas.  In many cases, they would sprout, only to be eaten very soon.  One new variety I had planted, and was anxiously awaiting the sprouts to appear, only to find a couple of sprouts.  I dug around, looking for the seeds in the ground, and the seeds were gone!  The only bugs present were the sowbugs, and they were everywhere.  A whole row of carrot seeds never sprouted–I’m not sure if it was because of sowbugs or something else.  I was successful with carrots in another part of the garden where I didn’t see as many sowbugs.  The seedlings of all the other things I started indoors in soil blocks and transplanted to the garden were unaffected.  (Whew!)  Next year I just may sprout my beans and peas indoors also.  It will be extra effort, but may make the difference between growing beans and not.

Another problem with the sowbugs is that I found them eating my ripe tomatoes, particularly the Burbank variety, which was quite short, with tomatoes closer to the ground.  I would find tomatoes with holes in them and sowbugs inside.  These buggers even climbed up the vines to reach the tomatoes–they did not remain in their soil habitat.  I’ve read that the sowbugs may only take advantage of holes in the tomatoes left by other bugs, but I’m not sure.  There had been some grasshoppers hopping around, and they may have opened a hole for the sowbugs; I just wasn’t watching šŸ™‚  At one point, I thought that leaving the damaged tomatoes on the ground for the sowbugs to finish eating might act as a trap keep them off the good tomatoes on the plant, but that didn’t seem to help.  There were just too many of the buggers.

After I began to discover the problem, my research indicated that two organic products can be helpful:  diatomaceous earth, and Sluggo Plus.  Unfortunately, for my garden it was too little, too late.  I got these bugs under control somewhat, but not enough.  Most sources recommend removing all mulch to avoid the sowbug problem, but I am unwilling to do that.  I am determined to lick this problem in 2014.  My plan of attack is listed below.

Another minor problem with the mulching was the presence of a few fungi.  The ones I found and identified were considered harmless; a variety of mushrooms, bird nest fungi, and something else I never identified.

There are some questions regarding deep mulching I’ve found few answers for.
Q. How do add compost and/or manure to the garden?  Is it necessary?  (I continually make      compost and we have plenty of horse manure to use up.)
A.  Some sources suggest compost and/or manure are not needed with deep mulching.              Some suggest mixing it in, others suggest sprinkling it on top and let the nutrients trickle      down.  Apparently adding manure will help the wood mulch decompose more quickly            and add more nitrogen to the soil, which is being used up by the wood mulch.

Q.  What do I do in the fall, to clean up and prepare for the next spring season?
A.  Some say pull out the dead plants and do nothing but add more mulch if needed.  For the       most part, I have not found answers to this question.

Q.  Does wood mulch make the soil too acidic?
A.  Some sources would say yes, other suggest it isn’t a problem.  My best guess is that               because our Colorado soil is generally quite alkaline, it won’t be a problem.  I’m not sure       about the highly amended soil in our raised beds, and my pH tester doesn’t seem to               work all that well, but I’m not going to worry about it.

Here’s what I did, based on my best guess after research.  After removing all garden debris and weeds from the beds, I raked back the wood mulch, then loosened the soil a bit with a hula hoe, which removed as many remaining weeds as possible.  I added about an inch of aged horse manure and blended it in with the hula hoe.  (Some of the 2013 wood mulch was also blended in during this process.)  I sprinkled on some diatomaceous earth (DE) to kill off any remaining sowbugs before they overwinter in the soil.  I raked back the wood mulch, then sprinkled more aged manure on top.  Then we topped the beds with a couple of inches of fresh wood mulch.  I’m hoping that the addition of manure will offset the problem of nitrogen being taken from the soil due to the wood mulch.  I am hopeful that the deep freeze we have experienced in the past week (down to -18 one morning, and other sub-zero temps for several days) will have killed off some of the overwintering bugs.

To proactively control the sowbugs, I plan to rake back the wood mulch when there will be a week or so of dry weather* and sprinkle on some DE and Sluggo Plus, then replace the wood mulch, all before planting.  I want to kill off as many sowbugs as possible before planting.  I may also add some organic fertilizer (HOF) during this process.
*Both of these products become ineffective when wet.  That is a big problem with them!

All in all, I think that the deep mulching system has been a positive change, and will create better soil for future years.  I am currently reading Ruth Stout’s “No-Work Garden Book” to learn more about mulching in the garden.  We will continue deep mulching!

Tomatoes 2013

TOMATOES are always my most prized garden treat.  This year I tried some new varieties and some old ones, and had mixed results.  I’ll outline my thoughts on each.  I ended up with nine different varieties.

One experiment:  I’ve always rotated my tomato beds, and have not planted tomatoes in any bed that had tomatoes, peppers or potatoes in the previous year, or preferably two years.  Last year I’d planted my indeterminate tomatoes in a row in the NE corner, and it was such a nice spot, I thought I’d try putting the indeterminates in the same bed this year.  Not a good idea.  They did not do well.  Live and learn!  Sometimes ya gotta just trust what “they” say.

Overall thoughts:  The weather was funny this year, and results were mixed.  Some plants did well, others did not.  Some succumbed to sowbugs.  (See more information here.)  Some were new varieties that just didn’t do well.  Perhaps I should become more familiar with tomato diseases.  Perhaps I am dealing with things that would be prevented if I knew what was happening.  As it is, I just plant plenty of tomatoes and remove the plants that die.  I do not compost them: I take them to the dumpster, so they won’t infect the rest of the garden.

SILVERY FIR TREE  I had these seeds left from last year, and planted two early in the greenhouse, after starting them in the house under lights.  My plan was to have these as the earliest tomatoes, before the outside ones ripened.  I did get several small early tomatoes from these plants, but not really much earlier than the outside main garden plants.  If I do early tomatoes in the greenhouse next year, I’ll try another variety.

CHEROKEE PURPLE  I planted two of these in the experiment indeterminate row mentioned above.  One survived but I did not get more that 5 or 6 tomatoes.

FH CROW  These were free seeds sent to me along with my Sand Hill Preservation seed order.  I planted one in the greenhouse and one in the experiment indeterminate row mentioned above.  I got a few tomatoes from the greenhouse, but the garden bed plant died early on.

GERMAN GIANT  I loved these last year, and planted two in the experiment indeterminate row mentioned above.  One plant survived but only produced 3-4 edible tomatoes.

CAMP JOY  This is a large sized cherry tomato.  I planted one in the experiment indeterminate row, which survived, but I did not get an abundance of tomatoes.  Those I did harvest were good and sweet, although more mealy than I’d expect for a cherry.  I started another mid-June in the house, which was transplanted to the greenhouse 7/25.  It did well.  My plan was to have one tomato which would continue to produce after all others froze.  GOOD PLAN!  We had fresh tomatoes for salads throughout the fall.  I picked all remaining ripe and slightly ripe tomatoes before the big freeze last week and they will last at least a couple more weeks in the fridge, I am sure.

RIO GRANDE  I planted 8 of these, my favorite paste tomato for canning as diced tomatoes.  These are large, easy to peel, seed and dice.  A couple of these died, which always seems to happen.  The remaining were my latest tomatoes to ripen, but were as good as usual, and many jars of diced tomatoes and various tomato sauces were canned.

HEIDI  These were disappointing.  I bought the seeds based on the descriptions, “A prolific tomato from Africa that bears 2-1/2-inch, 3-4 oz, pear-shaped, bright-red fruit with rich tomato flavor. Thick walls with tender skin, very meaty and great for sauce. A long season, super paste or canner or good eaten raw in the garden.”  And, “although classified as a paste-type tomato, it does not seem to have a problem with blossom end rot and is “remarkably tolerant of all foliage diseases in a zone 5 garden.” They were supposed to grow well in hot, dry climates.  Sounds great.  There weren’t very many of these, and those that grew were small.  Many seemed diseased and were not kept.  Some plants produced round tomatoes, others were oblong or pear-shaped.  Perhaps the seeds were cross-bred?

BURBANK  This was my first year planting these and they were a winner.  They grew on short, sprawling plants that were difficult to stake up, but the tomatoes were plentiful, delicious, red and round.  Unfortunately, many of these were eaten by the dreaded sowbugs and/or maybe grasshoppers.  Some sources indicate that the sowbugs don’t eat the tomatoes unless a hole is started by some other bug, so perhaps the grasshoppers and sowbugs worked together on this.  See more about the sowbugs here.  I will grow the Burbanks again.

PRINCIPE BORGHESE  This was the 3rd or 4th year I’ve grown these.  Two plants were huge and prolific, the healthiest of all the tomatoes this year.  This is supposed to be “semi-determinate” but one of them grew like crazy, much more like a determinate.  Unfortunately I hadn’t been pruning it like I would an indeterminate, and it got a bit out of hand.

NEW TOMATO SUPPORTS – I should have taken a photo of the tomato supports Tim built.  Sorry.  They are cheaply made of electrical conduit, easy to put up, take down and store.  Some are taller, others shorter.  They have worked well this year and last.  Next year I’ll plan to include a photo!

Squash 2013

I enjoy squash, particularly a good, winter squash.  In fact, maybe I’ll cook some tonight for supper!  But, in the past years I’ve had mixed results in the squash beds, and quite a challenge controlling SQUASH BUGS and CUCUMBER BEETLES.

Lakota Squash

This year I planted 8 varieties of squash:  2 summer squash (1 yellow and 1 green zucchini), 2 each of these winter squash:  Winter Sweet REBA Acorn (bush variety), Burgess Buttercup, Sweet Meat, Long Pie Pumpkin, Nutterbutter Butternut, and Lakota.  Of all these, I harvested only 2 Nutterbutter, 2 Lakota, and 3 Long Pie pumpkin, along with a small few of the zucchinis.

The demise of my squash is a mystery to me.  I saw very few of either the squash bugs or cucumber beetles.  I tried very hard to prevent the appearance of these bugs and I was successful.  I proactively sprayed the plants and soil around them with neem, pepper/garlic spray, sprays made with boiled rhubarb leaves and none of these should have caused the death of the squash plants.  The newest organic pesticide I tried was SurroundWP.  I believe this helped a good deal.  Its effective ingredient is kaolin clay, a white powdery substance which is mixed with water and sprayed onto the plant leaves.  Apparently the bugs don’t like it and avoid the sprayed leaves.  The Surround also helps protect the plants from UV rays.  It looks kind of funny, seeing the white spotty leaves, but I think this was quite effective, and I don’t believe it was the reason so many of the plants died.  I’ve also read that mint and lemon balm can repel those bugs.  Rather than plant these invasive perennials near the squash, I’ve planted them in other areas of the garden (where I don’t care if they invade) and some mint in a large pot; I cut off the leaves and sprinkle them around the squash.  Unfortunately, I’ve done so many things to prevent the bugs, I can’t say what does and doesn’t work.  I wanted so badly to attack these bugs I went ahead and threw everything I could at them.

So the early death of the squash wasn’t due to bugs.  All plants were doing quite well until the end of July, when they all started keeling over, one by one.  One day they’d be fine, the next they’d look a bit wilted, the next they were pretty much dead.  The plants all had immature squash growing on them.  I tried pruning off the deadest parts to salvage the remainder of the plant, but that didn’t help.  I just don’t know why this happened.  Could it have had something to do with the wood mulch?  (I don’t think so.)  I did not see an abundance of sowbugs in these beds as I did the others, and don’t believe these were a problem to the squash.  The two summer squash plants never really took off as usual; they did survive a little longer than the winter squash, but they succumbed as well.

All I can say is that some of my neighbors experienced the same symptoms with their squash, so I’m not alone.  Maybe it was the weather.  I was so hopeful to try the new, unique varieties such as Sweet Meat, but I’ll have to try again next year.  I was grateful for the two big Lakota squash.  So far, I have cooked one and it was absolutely delicious!