Ducks at 22 Weeks

Whitey, Drakey, and the four girls

The ducks are now 22 weeks old, and we had expected to see eggs by now.  Every morning I check, and still no eggs.  On about October 12th, at 18 weeks old, we put some fake eggs in their next boxes.  Hopefully this will teach them to lay them there, in the next boxes.  We’ve also been increasing their day length with artificial light coming on each morning, on a timer.  Each week or so it’s been changed to come on earlier and earlier, but still no eggs.

Fake eggs in next boxes.

                                                              Some sources have suggested that they should start laying between 16-20 weeks of age, other suggest 20-24 weeks (so we’re right in there), others mention that it won’t be until the first spring after they were hatched.  We hope it’s not the latter.

You can bet I’ll be taking photos and posting when we get that first precious egg!

Ducks’ First Snow

It’s actually November now, but the first snow was October 26, so I’m backdating this post to reflect the correct date the photo was taken.  This was our first snow of the season, and it was a doozey.  8-10″ or so of the stuff fell on our place.

It was the ducks’ first experience with the cold, white ground.  I attempted to video their first steps in it, but they were awfully resistant to coming out of the house.  I finally went inside and pushed each duck out the door.  After that it still took them quite a while to head over to their food or water.  Finally they ate, and several minutes later, they drank.  I took several videos, until the battery ran out.  Here’s just one of them:

Their pool was filled with slush, and it took them a while to go there, too, but finally they did, after it had melted some.

The next day they were hesitant to step out, but quicker than the first day.  By the third day things were back to normal and they came right out.  Now (11/7) they have no problem walking all over the snow.

Welsh Harlequin Ducks at 17 Weeks

Welsh Harlequin Drake, 17 weeks old

The ducks are now 17 weeks old.  They are now looking like adults, with the most obvious difference being the Welsh Harlequin drake, with his pretty green head and black butt and curly tail.  He’s quite handsome!  Whitey also now has his curly tail, and must weigh twice as much as the others.  I haven’t weighed him, but he’s awfully heavy in comparison to everyone else.  The girls aren’t very different from the last photo I posted, but I’ll post a couple with them anyway.

Duck House, with nest boxes at the left
Ducks behind house

We have completed the exterior of the duck house and painted it.  The ducks pretty much have their daily routine.  They are locked inside their house at night, let out to their paddock for breakfast and a morning swim.  The cat gets to go outside at this time, while the
ducks are locked in the paddock.        Later on, the cat comes in the house, and the ducks go out to the larger yard for foraging and lounging under the shade of trees or behind their house.  Sometime in the late afternoon, they begin to squawk and beg for dinner.  Sometimes they get to enter the garden, where they head immediately to the tomatoes, which they seem to enjoy eating.  Sometimes I’ll take them a handful of cherry tomatoes and throw them out to them one at a time for a game.  The two drakes are the most eager to snap at them.  In the late evening, after dinner and around dusk, we’ll lock them back in the paddock for safety, and sometime before we head to bed, we lock them back into their house for the night.  If we leave their access door open for them, they’ll put themselves to bed, and we don’t need to herd them in.

One of the “Silver” Welsh Harlequin females

We are anxiously awaiting the first eggs, which we expect to see sometime around 20-24 weeks of age, per various resources.  We will start increasing their daytime light artificially next week, to indicate that it’s getting lighter, and therefore time to commence laying eggs.  We’ll see how that goes!  We’ll also be putting some fake eggs in the next boxes to show them where they should put them.  Again, we’ll see how that goes.

“Golden” Welsh Harlequin female

Whitey, of course, is still the one standing out of the crowd, and is quite handsome with his curly tail.

Whitey, the White Appleyard Male

Duck Dinner

Friday night we had our first duck dinner.  We marinated it and grilled it.  It was pretty good. We each had a breast and felt it was plenty.  The next day we each finished off a thigh/leg piece.  I’m still not sure it’s worth all the work to raise and butcher them for so little meat.  If we do, we’ll raise a larger breed for meat, like Whitey, an Appleyard.  We’ll have to keep thinking about it.

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 Tblsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. hot sauce
2 Tblsp. minced garlic
1/4 tsp. black pepper
Mix together and marinate duck pieces at least 30 minutes or overnight.

Now We Are Six

Here are the remainder of our flock, six happy ducks.  I’m not sure if they miss their friends, or wonder where they went.  This morning they were reluctant to come out of the house, then when I tried to walk them out to the big yard they didn’t want to go.  A couple of them ran back into the paddock and I had a hard time herding them out the gate.  Maybe they thought they would never come back.  They’ll get over it.  This afternoon they are sitting peacefully together under a tree.

I cleaned the duck house and pool this morning.  Hopefully we won’t have to do that quite as often with fewer ducks.  They’ve begun their first molt and are already losing the feathers they just got.  Seems unfair in a way.  Today I noticed the feathers that are falling out are getting bigger.  Sad.  But when the new feathers grow, they should be more colorful, so that will be fun.

D-Day (Drake Day)

Today was Drake Day.  Tim and a friend butchered four of the drakes.  I wasn’t watching, so will spare the details unless Tim wants to add a post on that.  All went well for a first time.  Probably we will try one of them for dinner tomorrow after aging overnight.

After all the work, I hope it’s good! They’re awfully small, and the two of us probably won’t get more than one meal out of them.  They were around 4-4.5 lbs alive, and 1.5 lbs cleaned and ready to cook.  A lot of that is bone and back parts that will probably go into soup stock.

Boy Blue

As I mentioned in the August 1 post, we’ve been planning to butcher the drakes and are making plans to do so this tomorrow.  Tim has a friend who is a hunter, who will come help Tim learn to skin and clean the ducks.  It’s time to decide which drake we will keep for breeding.
Gimpy Blue
A few days ago, I picked up one of the drakes out in the yard, and he was so calm in my arms, we decided he’d be the one to live.  We tagged him to keep track of him, and it happened to be a blue tag.  We’ve been calling him Blue Boy, Boy Blue, or just Blue.   A couple of days ago, Blue had a little mishap.  The ducks had been in the garden area, and at feeding time I was herding them up the path when Blue fell off the brick wall, to the left of the tall grape vine, and landed in the plants.  He got himself out, went to the patio, and managed to get himself up the brick wall to the right.  I was surprised he could get up there.  He flapped his wings and kind of crawled up at the same time.
Unfortunately, he was limping after that!  Now we call him Gimpy.  His limp has gotten better, but he still trips a lot, especially when the group is traveling fast.  We think it’s best not to keep a lame duck, so poor old Gimpy will have to meet his fate with the others.
Here’s one last shot of 10 ducks enjoying their pool.  Soon there will only be 6.

Eight Weeks

Eight Weeks Old and “On The Move”

The ducks are eight weeks old today.  They are still a joy to watch, particularly in the pool or when they are out foraging.  They enjoy being out in the “big yard” with all the weeds and grass they can eat.  They no longer get “lunch” from me, they find it on their own, and are now fed only twice a day.

They’re getting so big!  I enjoy just watching them and seeing how their feathers tuck up so neatly against their bodies and under the lower feathers that come up from their breast/abdomen.  The feathers are so soft, and the speculum feathers are beginning to turn dark blue.  In the morning when they get out of their house, they stand tall, stretch and flap their wings, which gives us a chance to see how much the wing feathers have grown.  Quite an improvement from the little stubs they had when they were little.

Soon we will be downsizing our flock, by learning to butcher and clean the drakes.  It does seem like messy business, but I think it’s right to be more intimately connected to our food sources.  These ducks have been treated respectfully and will be to the end.  I’m still likely to keep Whitey, just because he’s the mellowest and most fun to watch.  We’re also considering keeping one of the WH drakes for breeding purposes, although we need to think more about that.  If we breed, we’d probably attempt to allow one of the hens to set and hatch the eggs rather than bring them indoors to an incubator.  Don’t know.  More research and thinking will be necessary to decide.

Changes: Yard – New Video

Here is a better video showing our new fenced yard for the ducks.  Tim kindly mentioned that the last one was boring, and I agree.  I’ve deleted the previous one.  This one gives a better shot of the ducks at their current size and shows the new yard that they are learning to enjoy.  At 6 1/2 weeks old, they’re getting pretty big.  They now freely walk from their paddock (where the pool is) to the yard as they please during the day while we are home.