What is this Fungus?

What is this??? This icky fungus is growing around the edges of some of the beds. The bottom, on the soil, is mushy, and the top of it is kind of leathery. It’s starting on the edges of the beds that were done first, so I’m wondering if in time it will show up around the others. So far it’s just on the edges, underneath the hay mulch that is there to keep the moisture in. It’s been very wet–Perhaps if we remove the mulch and expose it to the sun the fungus won’t grow? I’ve looked around a bit on the web for photos of various fungi but haven’t yet seen anything similar. I’ve started removing it, but I’m sure more will grow. I hope it isn’t damaging.

I’ve also found some beetly bugs around, and don’t know for sure what they are. After searching a bit I think it’s a “bumble flower beetle” and not too very harmful, but if I find them or their larvae around I’ll pick them off and get rid of them.


Oh, no!  It hailed today.  It started out as quite a downpour of water, and I was a bit concerned that it might hail….later on my fears came true.  The hail was pea-sized.  The only real damage I’ve seen so far is some of the leaves on the peppers were pretty badly beaten.  The basil was a bit sad looking and a few marks on some tomato leaves.  All in all, I guess things turned out ok.  At least we didn’t have ripe fruit being bombarded.

I picked some basil tonight, walked in and put it right onto our pizza!  Whoopie…our first produce eaten.

Work in the Garden

This morning I doused all the plants with “manure tea”, with thanks to my helper on the other side of the fence.  I pruned the suckers off the tomatoes and planted some more marigold seeds.  


The broccoli is noticeably bigger, and so are the kale plants.  The brussels sprout seeds have sprouted.  The leeks & celery look good.  I think there are buds on the watermelon plants.

On inspection, we’ve seen a couple of asparagas shoots begin to appear, which is a relief, because we were beginning to wonder if they’d ever sprout.  There is also some life on some of the strawberry plants, which were both planted as roots. 

I got a shot of curly endive, too–reminds me of a chia pet or a green ‘fro.

Rooftop Garden Shots

Here are some shots Tim took of the garden from the rooftop. The first from above the garage looking down, and another from the barn roof looking at the entire yard–the only thing not seen is the “three sisters” over on the northwest corner behind the porch.

The green stuff all across the middle is weeds.  We’ll be working on that area later, to prepare it for planting & crop rotation next spring.

Here’s How it Looks

Photos taken yesterday & today, in the rain.  In a few weeks I should do a similar set for comparison!

Tier 1

Peas (snow and sugar), cucumbers (lemon and japanese burpless), radishes, rutabegas (6 of them), calendula

Tier 2
Peppers, onions, garlic (coming)

Tier 3 
Trellis (left): Tomatoes (Indeterminites: Brandywine & Sugar Sweetie), Basil & Cilantro
Herb Triangle: Chives, oregano, thyme, chamomile, parsley, lavender, sage
Tier 3 (right): Tomatoes (Determinite Roma, Ace), celery, leeks, scallions, bee balm

Tier 4, Part 1 & 2
Left: Broccoli, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, radish, carrots, onions, garlic, lavender, thyme
Right: Lettuce, spinach, endive, mesclun varieties, onions, calendula, bush beans (edamame & tavera), marigolds

Tier 4, Part 3 & 4

Upper: Summer squash & nasturtium
Lower: Watermelon & nasturtium

Tier 4, Part 5
Strawberries, spinach, borage

Three Sisters 
Corn, beans, winter squash, bee balm

Southwest Corner
Asparagas, parsley, tomatoes, basil, bee balm, calendula, ginger

Three Sisters

Tim completed the bed for the Three Sisters (corn, pole beans, squash), and I planted it this morning before it began to rain.  We have found a few different suggestions about how to plant this combination, so we’re experimenting with a few different options.

One book suggests planting 4 corn seeds in a hole, then after the corn has grown a couple of weeks, plant a few bean seeds around the corn.  He doesn’t say how big of a hole, or how close together these corn seeds should be.  The soil blocker material had suggested that it is ok to plant 4 corn seeds together in one soil block (and plant them that way), so we are combining these methods by planting the soil blocks already growing, and bean seeds around.  Two (4 per block) we planted in holes about 10″ in diameter with 4 bean seeds planted around the corn.  One hole we left a couple of inches to be filled in later, as the corn & beans grow.  The other hole we filled in now.  I had started two more soil blocks with 2 corn seeds each, so we put these two soil blocks together in another hole with the bean seeds around.

Another book suggests a hole about a foot in diameter, with 4 corn seeds planted about 8″ apart. This hole should be filled in later.  We did two holes this way, and will plant the bean seeds after the corn is a couple of inches tall.

Another book suggest planting 6 corn seeds in a circle, 24″ diameter, with each seed 12″ apart, one in the middle.  The book also suggests planting corn seeds in a trench (when planting in rows), to be filled in  as the corn grows, to give it extra support, particularly in windy areas.  I combined these two methods to make a circular trench to plant the 6 corn seeds, and a hole in the middle.  It looks like a donut.  Later, we’ll plant the bean seeds somewhere around the corn.

All methods mention planting winter squash around the corn, to shield the soil from the sun to keep the moisture in, and also to keep animals out of the corn & beans.  I had started 4 butternut and 4 acorn squash in blocks.  This is too many for the area, but I planted them all anyway, in case some don’t make it.  I can always kill a couple later if I have to.

The fourth sister is bee plant (Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, as planted by the Anasazi indians) or bee balm.  I started plenty of bee balm and planted four of those around the corn.  I have some seeds planted in blocks for the RM Bee Plant, but they haven’t sprouted yet.

The $64 Tomato

I got a book from the library I’ve just begun to read: “The $64 Tomato” by William Alexander. Just the premise of the book sounds funny!  After all that this guy went through to plant his garden, he estimates that each tomato he brings in cost him $64.  I fear that will be the cost of ours this year!

This morning I am a little afraid to go outside and see what the wind did to the garden last night as I heard it whipping through…I’ll be brave, I’ll do it, I’ll take whatever comes.

We are sure seeing how much the agrarian societies must learn to take what comes and depend on God to grow their crops.  It’s good being connected to the land.  And, it’s amazing to think of these little seeds that somehow grow quickly into so many different plants–vegetables, fruits, flowers and all.  Very incredible!  How can anyone not believe that God created this?  

We are sure having fun with all of this, we know that it is an investment for the future, and in years to come we will enjoy all the work and investment we’ve done this year, which won’t need to be re-done.  We know we are doing “good work” and that is very satisfying.

Celery & Leeks

One of the books I’ve been reading suggested planting celery & leeks in a row together, alternating every other one, in a trench to be filled in as they grow, to blanch the bottoms. I planted them this way, along the front side of one of the tomato rows–both grow well with tomatoes. I hope they like their new home!

Tommy the toad has brought a new friend to the garden, who is a little smaller. They both seem to like the pea bed–that’s the only place I’ve seen them. It’s funny how they keep coming back. I guess they are not a problem, but I don’t want them disturbing pea seeds that haven’t yet emerged.

Everything is looking good, and we keep admiring our hard work. We just need to finish Tier 3, the other half of the tomato bed, then a spot for watermelons down near the strawberries. After that we’ll do the corn patch on the other side of the yard, and we’re done with planting.

We still have a lot of the topsoil we purchased. I suppose we’ll use it to amend the unused areas that we will begin to prepare for next year’s rotation. I suppose this worked out well (only using about half the yard), so we can rotate our crops better. We’ll have to come up with a whole new plan next year! I’m bummed that this topsoil came with weed seeds in it. They are growing all over the place, even after our careful planning to keep them out by using cardboard underneath each bed. Grrr. I knew I would have to do some weeding, but didn’t expect so much.

Strawberries & Peppers

This morning Tim took some time off work to get out in the yard, and got the beds done for the strawberries.  I got them planted in the afternoon, all in nice little mounds, one for each plant. I bought roots, two varieties.  There’s about 40 plants.  I don’t expect strawberries this year, and some resources suggest picking off any buds I see before they turn to fruit, to allow the plants to get established the first year.  (Others say it’s not a problem to get some fruit the first year.)  I guess I’ll do some of each, and take notes!  Let’s see…”Plant A: I picked off the flowers in 2009 and got better yield in 2010; Plant B: I got 4 strawberries in 2009 and fewer than Plant A in 2010.”  Is that how it will go?

I also planted the basil plants near the tomatoes, and the peppers, in their bed, Tier 2.  It was pretty darn hot, about 90, and I was melting so took a break.  Tim came out later to prepare the bed for the peppers, and I worked on leveling it out and packing it down a bit.  Since it was hot and I was tired, Tim offered to take me out to dinner.  We cleaned up and went early, came back and planted the pepper plants.  I got finished just about the time it was getting dark.  It was sure nice planting them in the cool evening, and also nice planting them standing up, as they are on the raised tier.

Tommy the Toad came back!  Tim relocated him (her?) way over to the other side of the property yesterday, and this morning he was back to the same pea bed he was in before!

Planting Tomatoes and More

Yahoo…we finally got the tomatoes planted.  It’s exciting to see everything coming together.  Tim got out early to construct the trellis for the tall indeterminite plants (Brandywine and Sugar Sweetie), and we got those all planted (18 of them) in the back row of Tier 3.  Then we put in stakes for the determinites (so far just the Romas) and got those planted.  I also have some of the Ace variety started, but they’re only about 2″ tall, and I’m not sure about taking them outside just yet.  I’ll wait a couple of weeks, and they should provide a later harvest.  I also planted 4 of the romas down by the asparagas, just because they’re supposed to grow well together.  That took all morning–Tim started around 6 am, and I got out there around 7.

It was a warm day–yesterday was cooler and probably better for planting, but this was just the way it worked out.  I kept watering them just to keep them from wilting, but hopefully they’ll be ok.  After we got those done, Tim began to work on creating the beds for strawberries, while I planted the bush beans I’d started inside a couple of weeks ago, and also put new seeds in the ground for more.  I’d started 10 
edamame and 10 tavera french beans inside, because the soil blocker material I’ve read said that even though beans don’t normally transplant well, they will in the soil blocks because the roots aren’t being disturbed.  So, I gave it a try.  Eight of the edamame sprouted, but only four of the tavera sprouted.  Since I had the empty soil blocks, I went ahead and put
 them in the ground and put my seeds into those, so they’ll have that nice soil to get started in.  Could be a good experiment, and I can compare the ones started in the soil block mixture with the ones started in the ground.  I also put my marigold seedlings around the beans, as they are supposed to grow well together and help repel bean beetles.

I realized, too, that of all the seeds I’ve already planted, I haven’t paid attention to the soil I put them in.  Perhaps I should have been more careful to mix some good soil together for planting the seeds, similar to the soil blocking mixture.  Hmmm.  If a lot of these don’t sprout soon, I may have to plant them again, but with better soil next time.  Lots of experiments this year!!!

After the beans, I moved on to the summer squash section.  My reading indicated that I should plant them in “hills” but didn’t specifically say how big these hills should be.  I made little hills about two feet apart and planted my seedlings along with a few seeds.  I’d forgotten about hardening off these plants and they haven’t as yet had any time outside, but hopefully they’ll survive the shock.  If not, the seeds I added should sprout and I’ll still have plenty of summer squash.  The 9 plants look kind of small now, but I know they’ll grow and I’ll have plenty of squash.  I also planted some seeds for nasturtiums around the squash.  They’re supposed to grow well together and be pretty.

By then we were pretty hot and tired!  As soon as we can, we’ll get the strawberries planted, then finish the part of Tier 3 where the younger tomato plants (Ace) will go along with celery & leeks and maybe an onion or two in between each tomato plant.