Fioretto Sprouting Cauliflower


The GARDEN SUMMER of 2021 was fabulous. Great weather, abundant harvests & no rodents made it a hit in my book. This year the pasture grasses stayed greener longer, the wildflowers flourished, and there were a good deal more ladybugs in the garden (and very few grubs).

Maybe next year I’ll get to the point of knowing just what to start when, and how much of each thing at a time. There were a few too many of some things and not enough of others. I’m getting much better at that each year, and if I follow through on this year’s notes next year, I should be good to go.

FIORETTO SPROUTING CAULIFLOWER: I’m really glad I found this sprouting cauliflower. I like this better than the regular crown type of cauliflower: it is much sweeter and delicious simply steamed. Some of them were beautiful & picture perfect like the one in the photo, others rather scraggly in appearance, but all of them were just as tasty no matter what they looked like.

ONIONS: I started more onions much earlier than before, first in soil blocks under lights then transplanted to the greenhouse prior to going outside. All-in-all they did quite well in numbers, but still small-to-medium in size. I admit I planted them a little closer together than recommended, but perhaps in these conditions they just won’t get any larger. The more the merrier.

GREEN BEANS (BUSH): This year I grew the same bush beans, SPEEDY, and they over-performed. I might say that I have too many, but frozen beans are great and the freezer full of beans will provide many green bean casseroles along with just plain ole’ steamed green beans as a side. The lady bugs may have helped to keep the aphids off!

CELERY: This was my best celery year so far. I did a different variety this year, TANGO, so perhaps that contributed to the success. I also gave them a better start in the greenhouse prior to going outdoors. Too bad they don’t store very long and I don’t eat that much.

SQUASH: ZUCCHINI & the SMALL WONDER SPAGHETTI Squash were plentiful. See my newest favorite zucchini recipe HERE. The CELEBRATION harvest was fewer and BUTTERBUSH not so great. I won’t be doing Butterbush again.

BRASSICAS: In addition to the Fioretto, all the brassicas did well, as usual. No surprise there. We had lots of broccoli & broccolini, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and rutabagas. I grew a bit too much cabbage & too many rutabagas, but next year I should get the amount more suited to my needs.

OTHER than the above, peas, lettuces, carrots, parsnips & beets all did well.

GARLIC: I thought I may never bother with garlic again. The seed garlic I usually purchase through mail order is expensive, and the yield I get isn’t worth the cost. This year I planted 26 cloves and harvested just NINE wimpy little bulbs. Perhaps the winter was colder, or because I planted the garlic on one of the outer, perimeter shadier beds it got colder. I’m not sure. None of the garlic at the edge of the bed grew, only the inner row, and not all of those. I got some sale garlic this year, so I’m trying just one row in one of the inner beds, well protected in the center of the bed.

2021 Potatoes

POTATOES: This year the potato plants certainly flourished, as seen in the photo, but unfortunately the yield wasn’t so great. This year I planted Chieftain (red) and Caribou (russet) potatoes. Both varieties were small in number and in size, but in good shape & delicious. Perhaps the trial planting method this year inhibited their growth. I tried placing the seed potatoes ON TOP of the soil, covering them with many layers of mulch, but apparently that didn’t work as well as promised.

ASPARAGUS: Most of the asparagus that came up this year was very skinny and froze before I had a chance to harvest it, even though it was covered with frost cloth. Not sure what to do about that.

ME: The only other “disappointment” is my inability to eat everything I grow before it goes bad, particularly the things that need to be eaten fresh. I need to do a better job of spacing things out.

The only things grown in the greenhouse during summer months were TOMATOES & WINTER SQUASH which both did decently. I tried a new variety of tomatoes, Cordova, which suffered from some BLOSSOM END ROT & APHIDS, but eventually I managed to control them both to get some nice tomatoes off those plants. Some greenhouse space was planted with cover crops or let to rest. I really don’t need anything else in the greenhouse during the summer, and the rest period is good to prepare for a busy winter of growing.

Aside from the garden itself, we’ve found that we can keep our “cold-closet” cold by adding ice to it in late summer after I begin harvesting root veggies and before the nights are cool enough to keep it cold. Now that our electricity is solar, we don’t pay any extra to use the freezer space for freezing ice. Several water bottles frozen and swapped with another batch of frozen bottles every other day or so kept the cold closet around 45 degrees beginning the end of August when we needed it for beets & rutabagas. (Next year I plan to start the ruties & beets later in the summer for a later harvest, thus enabling them to store longer into the winter.)


GREENHOUSE: For fall & winter the greenhouse is filled with tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli & cauliflower. I’ll be saving space for my “onion nursery” to begin in February, like last year.

OUTDOORS: The last of the potatoes, carrots & parsnips were harvested before the ground froze, mid-November. Most of the beds have been put to rest by topping them with compost which was made throughout the summer & fall. The remaining beds will wait for compost early in the spring. 

Other than that, winter will hopefully be spent updating all of the vegetable pages here with growing instructions and recipes.

And playing radio!

GrowVeg Garden Plan for 2021


It’s the end of February, and despite the winter cold, the garden is not far from my mind. The greenhouse has been keeping us supplied with veggies all winter, in addition to what was stored from the 2020 summer garden outdoors. 


GrowVeg Garden Plan for 2021

My GrowVeg Garden Planner is complete for summer 2021. Some changes are likely to be made, but the plans are in motion, the seeds have been ordered and arrived, the calendar reminders have been set. A few seedlings have already been started.

I have been using this GrowVeg Garden Planner for many years both in my former garden and here in Guffey. GrowVeg has made some changes this year due to the end of Flash Player, and now it’s faster, easier to use, and they’ve made some great changes. I was able to be a beta tester for this new planner, and had a lot of fun trying it out during the later planning stages.

As always, I’ve rotated my crops as much as possible and have planned in advance which beds will be started earlier and which will be later, as well as which will be saved for my 2022 Garlic. This year I will try a few new varieties of veggies I’ve grown before, but no new veggies. As usual, I’m keeping the things that need to be covered the most in the interior beds, as these are the easiest to cover with plastic over the hoops. The perimeter beds are primarily garlic, onions, potatoes, beets & parsnips. The horizontal perimeter beds across the top of the plan receive the most sun in the fall when it is lower in the sky, so I’m planning the crops to be harvested last in that area: my second planting of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, some spinach, lettuce and carrots. All of these can be harvested after a few light frosts, and the sun will help them warm up to grow as long as possible. 

Tim & I are planning better ways to cover the perimeter beds with frost cloth for those first few weeks when there will likely be frost and a snowstorm or two. Our old frostcloth has gotten rather ratty & mouse-eaten, so we purchased enough new frostcloth to cover just about all the beds. This is in addition to the plastic we use to cover the most susceptible plants in the interior areas.

Hopefully this year we will not have the problems with the mice and pack rats as we did last year. The bait traps Tim had put out really seemed to keep them under control the later part of the summer. By having them in place throughout the winter & spring, we hope to prevent all damage to the garden. We may make a few changes to the way we protect things from the spring cold & snow with better supports for frost cloth and/or plastic, and make it easier to put them out at night and remove them in the morning.

The greenhouse has been growing great! In the fall I planted some broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes & zucchini. We’ve really enjoyed eating these fresh from the greenhouse. A couple of my tomatoes have produced the best tomatoes I’ve ever grown in the greenhouse. The Oregon Spring & Siletz tomatoes have been big, meaty, juicy, with few seeds and easy to peel when I don’t want the skins. Since I’ve had such an abundance, I’ve frequently used them for any recipe that uses diced tomatoes or tomato sauce. I think they liked the location (or I did a better job of keeping them fertilized!).

Greenhouse Plan for February 2021

I’ve used the Garden Planner extensively for the greenhouse as well. The “In-Ground Dates” feature in the planner is especially helpful. The photo at the right shows the greenhouse plan for the end of February. With the Planner I am able to show specific plants for each month of the year. Since my greenhouse is used constantly, taking out old plants and replacing the spot with new ones, this really helps me keep track of things and plan ahead. I’m able to start seedlings on my grow bench under lights, preparing them to go in where something else will be removed. At the bottom I’ve added our three cold frames, which may be planted in March with lettuces, spinach, and perhaps some onions to transplant later to the garden.

This year I’ve felt like I may have been overworking the soil in the greenhouse. Even though I typically refresh the soil by adding compost, vermicompost, aged manure & fertilizers each time something is planted, I fear that is not enough. Without going to the trouble of allowing a long rest period or removing all the soil and replacing it, I’m experimenting with planting some cover crops, some of which are shown in this February plan. I tilled in some well-aged horse manure or some fairly fresh duck manure and a bit of vermicompost, then scattered seeds of mustards, cowpeas, buckwheat & daikon radish. I’m giving them a chance to sprout & grow a bit, then tilling them in. In some cases, I’ve planted pretty soon after tilling these in, but in some of the larger areas I’m experimenting with solarizing the soil by covering the area with clear plastic. The solarizing should heat up the soil and kill diseases which could be in the soil. Hopefully this will only take 2-3 months and should help recondition my tired soil. There should be an update later on how well this goes, but I won’t have actual “data” and will only know by how well the plants grow. As it is said, “Only time will tell.”