Videos have been deleted from youtube. Leaving this post here as a placeholder in case I find a better host. Here are a couple of videos of the ducklings' first days: This one was taken June 5, the day after we got them: This was yesterday, June 11. Look how much bigger they are! The ducks are really growing. Tim is working fast on their new duckhouse for this location. It won't be anything like the last one, but we think it will be great. Just wait to see!
Most mornings lately have been sunny, warm and beautiful. Yesterday I went for an early walk, and loved seeing the morning sun shine through these fresh aspens near our property. The quiet is so restful, with only the sounds of birds singing. Very often there are times when nothing motorized can be heard! (Click on photos to view larger size.) I went on to our "south hill" and enjoyed this view of our recently completed barn and home site. Plans for the house are in full swing, as Tim gets ...