We’re continuing to make progress at the new Golden Gaits Ranch property. There’s a lot of grass in the fields that is just begging to be enjoyed by the horses. However, the property is not fenced. I (Tim) started working a bit on fencing in order to not let all that grass go to waste. Here’s a picture of the horses enjoying their newly expanded pasture:

The fence is not truly “horse-proof” at this point. It’s just a single strand of electric wire. But, the horses respect the wire and have plenty to eat. However, we put them back in the more secure paddock when we leave the property.

The ducks are growing amazingly fast. We’re starting to see real feathers sprout, replacing the baby down.

Laurie has lots more pictures and should be posting more details soon.

We’ve been hankerin’ to put up our Golden Gaits Ranch sign for a while and yesterday we took out time to do that. It’s kind of a temporary thing; we’ll likely re-do it later. But, seeing it up kind of makes it “official”. The Happy House will be located on top of the hill behind the sign.

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A neighbor came by the other day and said to Tim: “Are you Tim?”. I answered in the affirmative. She then asked: “Do you train horses?”. Again, affirmative. She wants me to work with her and her horse. I guess word is getting around. That should be fun.

It’s still hard to believe we’re really here. There is so much to do and yet so much to pause and enjoy. We love sitting on the swing in front of the RV in the evenings watching thunderstorms off in the distance or enjoying a beautiful sunset. We are truly grateful to our Father for this gift. We’re always looking for ways to share it with others. Come on out for a visit if you get a chance!

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