Last year, the 2012 garden, I had followed some advice that it would be good to store the potatoes in the ground, under mulch, and that they would be fine until spring. So, in the fall I threw extra mulch (mostly hay and manure) over them and let them be. I dug some up in December and they were good. Then, I went out to dig more up in February, only to find that most of them had frozen. Some were no good at all, and some were ok, but tasted a bit sweet and had an odd text ...
Ducks 2013
Fall 2013We still have 5 ducks. Three are the original Welsh Harlequins we got the spring of 2011. The other two are the pekins we got the summer of 2012 (they are the same age as our WH's).In July I began freezing some of the eggs, thinking that during their molt and lack of egg production, I would need eggs. I scrambled and froze them in special ice cube trays that make each cube 1/4 cup. That make a handy measure of about one egg per cube. I also froze a few in larger ...
Cottonwood, Juglone and Tomatoes
A couple of years ago I'd planted a row of tomatoes under our cottonwood tree, and they did not do well at all. Many died, those that lived produced very few tomatoes. I blamed it on the variety I had chosen, and have not planted those since. Then I realized that the strawberries I'd planted near that tree have never done well. I've replanted the same area with strawberries for 3 years, and just couldn't get them to grow. I got to wondering if maybe the cottonwood h ...