We are thinking about getting chickens or ducks, for eggs and/or meat. We are still only thinking, and plotting out how we will do this, where they will be, and whether we want one more thing to tie us down. If we do it, we will build some kind of moveable coop that can be moved around to different areas, so they can dig up the weeds and eat snails & grubs, one area at a time, and deposit their manure for us. We might design something that would fit over most of our beds, so we can move it ...
Garden Work Area
I thought I'd show some pictures of my garden working area. First is indoors where I have my grow lights. So far I'm only using the one light. The seedlings are on a rolling cart, and the seedlings can be raised or lowered according to how much space they need to be below the lights as they grow. Outdoors, under the porch, I have my potting bench area, which Tim put in last summer. We found this cart (on the left) which was called a "serving cart" at the thrift store for just $35. It's perf ...