Our 2019 flock was purchased as ducklings August of that year. They  turned out to be an enjoyable group. Friendly, not too noisy and generally calm. These ducks have been a great group and good layers.

January 2023 Update: We now have just two ducks: Apple & Ruby. One of the ducks died, later when the price of organic feed kept increasing, we decided to keep just the two calmest of the ducks. We decided to give the non-organic feed and grow more food for their diet in addition to harvesting duckweed from our nearby stream. We may get new ducklings in the spring now that the price of eggs is so high!


Apple is our Silver Appleyard. She's the largest and by far the calmest, sweetest duck we've ever had. When she was a baby she had an odd white spot at the top of her left eye. It's better, but still a bit squinty. She also limped a bit at first, but that healed up quickly. She frequently gets so excited she flies a couple of feet.


Ruby, the Rouen, is one of the friendliest, next to Apple. She has beautiful blackish-brown feathers with turquoise-blue on the wing. She was our "extra", which we got after one of the first ducklings we had gotten died. We couldn't have just one replacement shipped, so added Ruby as a companion duckling. We're glad we did!


Our Black Swedish, Sweedie, has silky black feathers with green, purple & blue tints in the sunshine. Her white breast is a beautiful marking. I'd give her an average calmness rating in comparison to all of our ducks.


Mocha is our Golden 300 Hybrid Layer. She is the smallest of all these ducks and has beautiful brown-mocha colored feathers. Looks kind of coffee-colored. She blends in with the flock and is generally quiet.


Daisy, our White Layer, turned out to be a quite a character. She was a beautiful white duck. 4/24/21 Unfortunately Daisy had acted quite sick for about 3 weeks, stopped eating, and died.