Are you ready for some GOOD news???
Let’s admit it: this world is a mess. Despite all of our “advances”, humans are still fundamentally broken and it should be obvious by now that we are not capable of “pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps”.
If you’re looking for something better here is some good news! There is a future world coming where there is peace and abundant life. In this “future world” no one is in need and everyone is loved. That “future world” is already taking root in the midst of this messed up world and you can begin experiencing it right now.
This future, and partially present, world is called the Kingdom of God. It is the destination that our Creator/Father has always had in mind for us. The “catch” is that you have to choose to enter it in this life.
Our Creator sent Jesus Christ to the earth to explain this good news to us. It is our (Tim & Laurie’s) highest priority to put Jesus’ teachings into practice and to encourage others to do the same.
Spoiler Alert: If you’re a Christian there’s a good probability that you’re not actually following what Jesus taught.
Spoiler Alert
If you’re a Christian there’s a good probability that you’re not actually following what Jesus taught.
Struggling With Identity
There is much talk today about how we “identify” and about our rights. The world’s take on these topics is a sham and will only lead to unhappiness and self-destruction.
Here is the truth, if you’re willing to hear it:
Our identity, our rights and our responsibilities come from our Creator/Father.
Identity – You are a child of God. You are designed and created to be exactly the way God wanted you to be. When you accept that fact, your search for meaning is over. You can now focus on enjoying who you are and on reaching your full potential as a child of God.
Rights – Your Father has given you the right to choose to join His family, to enter into eternal life. He refers to this as a second birth. He has also granted other rights that the world may try to limit. However, that brief limitation will come to an end when He comes to establish His Kingdom in its fullness. This is the Good News that Jesus brought to us.
Responsibilities – Without responsibilities, your “rights” become a way of living that is centered on yourself to the detriment of others. This is not the way of the Kingdom. A basic kingdom principle is to treat others as we would like to be treated. If we practice this principle now, in this life, we will be prepared to enter eternal life in God’s Kingdom when it comes in its fullness.
We all have a built-in sense of the way things ought to be. Clearly, we do not currently live in such a world. Why is that?
How do we determine what are truly God’s words?
Jesus is the Word of God, NOT the Bible
Christianity teaches that Jesus came to earth to offer himself as a sacrifice to pay for our sins.
A simple, 3 question exam for Christians. Can you pass it?
Can one follow Christ without being a Christian?
Absolutely! In fact, Jesus’ teaching demands it.
Are you willing to take risks in your attempt to follow Jesus? Or, are you trying to follow Jesus in a “safe” way?
We are all spiritual gardeners. The word of the Kingdom is trying to take root in us and produce fruit. However, we must do our part.
In our spiritual lives, we feel the tension of having a foot in two worlds – the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God.
We cannot fill our lives with a lot of time-consuming activities and occasionally perform some “spiritual activity” and expect God to understand that we “have a life”
Imagine what it would be like if professing followers of Christ actually followed him and abandoned all other human teachings.
Spiritual truths can be understood by anyone who would listen with the simplicity and innocence of a child. Jesus basically said, “It’s not rocket science”.
It is all too easy to behave like we want and then claim that we are following Christ.
Christianity defines “good news” as the concept that Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice to pay for our sins. This is FAKE NEWS!
Many people discover, too late, that things are falling apart due to an improper (or a total lack of) a solid spiritual foundation.