Once or twice I attempted to grow cantaloupe or watermelon in our Wellington garden, and the melons never grew well enough to harvest. They should have. I believe it was warm enough there and that all conditions were right. I was just never successful.
Knowing that melons like warm weather, I wasn’t sure if they would grow here but I wanted to try a variety that is a compact plant, suitable for my raised beds and for short seasons: MINNESOTA MIDGET (65-70 Days). I’d gotten a couple of these many years ago at a farmers market, and they were so good I never forgot about them.
I planned to try one in the greenhouse, which has extra space in the summer while most things grow outdoors. Since I had more outdoor garden space available this year after removing all of our berries, I decided to try this outdoors as well.
MINNESOTA MIDGET shown 83 days after transplanting in the greenhouse.The greenhouse plant was started in a soil block late April, and transplanted to the greenhouse on May 4. Two small melons were harvested September 1, 120 days after transplant.
The plant seemed to grow well, and there were several blossoms. Due to a lack of pollinators in the greenhouse I attempted to hand-pollinate these blossoms, as I do with all my squash. The flowers were small, and this was difficult to do. I wasn’t sure that any of them were pollinated, but eventually I did get the two melons.
The small melons were sweet & delicious, but I have not attempted to grow them again. The space may be better used for something more apt to grow well.
The outdoor melon plant was started in a soil block “mini” in mid-May, transplanted to a “maxi” size block later in May, then transplanted outdoors 6/12, after the last snow. Unfortunately, that early summer was colder than usual, with another below-freezing day July 1st. Although this plant was covered each night with plastic over hoops AND additional frost cloth over the plant on the coldest nights, I fear it just wasn’t warm enough. The plant survived, but grew slowly. The flower buds came so late I knew there would not be enough time for the melons to mature, so I removed the plant.
Since every year is different, and I won’t know until summer is upon us and the plants are already growing, I may try this again if I have the space. If it is too cold, I can put some late-season lettuce or spinach in its spot.
Melons may be hit-or-miss, depending on your location. I haven’t been successful, but your location may be better suited than mine. Try them!