



A couple of years after starting our garden in Wellington, we decided it might be time to add some chickens, for eggs and perhaps for their meat. As we began researching chickens we ran across some references to ducks in books and on websites. We began to think that ducks might be a good choice for us. There are several reasons we chose ducks:

  • Ducks are generally healthier than chickens. Ducklings don’t catch the diseases chicks frequently do (such as coccidiosis), and therefore don’t require medicated feed, which is often found in chicken feed.
  • Ducks have a longer life span than chickens.
  • Ducks not only lay eggs for more years, they lay more eggs per year. During the lay season they lay nearly one egg per day.
  • Ducks lay their eggs quietly, early in the morning.
  • Duck eggs are superior, especially for baked goods.
  • Ducks do not scratch and destroy the ground, they walk on top. They don’t destroy the garden as much.
  • Ducks are wonderful bug-catchers. They catch mice, too!
  • Ducks are more heat-tolerant.
  • Ducks are more cold-hardy. (After all, what do they make jackets out of???)
  • Ducks are cuter. Of course, that’s a matter of opinion. 

All things considered, the verdict for us was DUCKS. Since then, we’ve raised five different batches of ducklings. First, Welsh Harlequins, at our previous home in Wellington, 2011. Second, Golden Cascades, here in Guffey, 2015. Third, also in the high country in 2016 a “six-pack” consisting of two Welsh Harlequins and one each of: White Layer, Cayuga, Fawn & White Runner, and Chocolate Runner. 2019 we started with 1 each: White Layer, Golden 300 Hybrid, Black Swedish, Rouen, & Silver Appleyard. As of January 2023 we have reduced the flock to just two: “Apple”, our Silver Appleyard; and “Ruby” our Rouen. One of the five died, and later we reduced the flock due to the rising cost of organic feed. Please read about ALL THE DUCKS WE’VE RAISED.

When we were building the house and had no railing on the deck, one of our ducks flew off the deck! Twice! She went back up and did it again just so I’d be ready to take a photo.

One Duck Flew off the Deck
Spot, Just Before Takeoff
Bellyflop Landing